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Monday 20 May 2013

Info Post
type='html'>Ahhh yes, the school holidays. It has already reached the middle of the school holidays and Christmas would be just around the corner. Well I don't celebrate Christmas though, but since growing up in the city surrounded by various cultures/religions, you could say that I celebrate almost all the holidays there is here in Malaysia!

Getting back to the story, been so busy for the last couple of months with various on-line and off-line projects, I did not had the time to update my blog. Even my common e-mail inbox was stuffed with trash, I mean goodies! Why?

Just a recap, a few months back, I helped out a friend of mine on a small project. Designing and providing some ads for her Paid-To-Click (PTC) campaigns. The details you could find it here on my old post. So I had to register with the PTC website which was ClixSense, just to have a glimpse in what angle and strategy we could offer in the early design implementation stages for the ad campaign.

Well, making my friend's ad was one thing, joining Clixsense was another. Amazingy until today we have been receiving funds on a regular basis. That's something odd, as we never had the time to do some marketing campaign on our own - apart from two simple "odd-written" blog posts which you could read it here in our blog.

Coincidence, maybe? Luck, we're not sure. But  fact is, how the power of writing (from the heart) without much thinking, is a living proof. During the early stages, we just wanted to keep ourselves updated on our works, but now it seems like we're cashing in on it too.

Here's some of the latest e-mail transfers received in November, normally between 5-10 days, close to 3 digit USD and we're receiving the same amount consistently (also depending on working days too). As you may know, these funds can be easily transferred from Clixsense via Paypal, Liberty Reserve and Payza (I forgot Payza's previous name) to your account. Regular Clixsense members (Free Account), will usual clear their claims at the minimum USD 8 and for premium members like me (I think now they call us sponsors), minimum pay out is USD 6.

I have to give credits to SEO and SERP's though. It seems that my 2 pages for Clixsense PTC odd-like-campaigns, had more clicks for the past few months - 8 weeks after published to be exact, sitting consistently at top pages that is. I'm not going to disclose to you for which keyword/keyword phrases (as of yet...), I'll let  you guys find out (haha). Drop by the articles and I'll bet you it is that easy to find out what was the keywords used... There goes the power of SEO...

As for me a sponsor member with Clixsense, I get to upgrade members who enrolled through me. Like dozens of members before (I totally forgot how many they are), without them knowing it! It seems like everybody is catching in for some quick buck. How? Just click on the links forwarding to Clixsense from my blog, they just detect the locations - Good luck!

If a "work-a-holic home mum" like me can get some, why can't you! Drop by Clixsense's website and browse through. Before that, I might suggest you to read my other articles on PTC, so you can have a better picture or idea what PTC's is all about. Happy clicking y'all and happy holidays.

Enough said for now, exceeding the article length limit again. If you have not joined a PTC campaign or any, you could try enrolling with Clixsense PTC, it's fun with lots of goodies too (especially for free members). Signing up is a breeze, and so simple, and don't forget to fill out the necessary particulars so that Clixsense can easily track your payments after. Who knows, you will be the next lucky member in getting a free upgrade account from me!

Note: I totally forgot; Here's the link to Clixsense authorised website: Browse though their website and forum pages and take a sneak peak of what Clixsense is all about and what they can offer you. I'll might share some PTC trade secrets in later stages, work like a charm - stay tuned! I also receive a whoping UV traffic with Clixsense and I'll share it in later series.

p/s: Actually, you can find out here at 1102-clixsense-campaign-helped-website-visitors-unique-pageviews.htm hosted on one of my dearest friend web. I borrowed it for a short while though!

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