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Sunday 19 May 2013

Info Post
Updated September 2012

Monitorbacklinks had  new "makeover" and added addition SEO tools for web owners and blog writers. In addition, special packages and events including massive discounts offers has been conducted by the developers of Monitorbalinks and well recieved by users, from time to time. Feel free to drop by and check out the new improved SEO tools offered by Monitorbacklinks and enhance your web and blog-site presence the smart way.  

Original Article

Hello world. Friends ask me, if there was any alternative to help check my links especially my backlinks to my blog or site? Simple answer. There's tonnes. You can find it almost everywhere as you type the magic keywords in the Google search engine. Well, I ám not here to name a few, or cretae a long list just like your house and work schedules, but I'll try to review any FREE SEO tools which you can use to manage your blog or website.

SEO Tools:

Traffic: 105,553 - 18/06/2012

Rank: PR 4 - June 2012

Re-check PageRank at RankChecker4E

A sample back links monitored widget for a site by you can find it here in Malaysia (bahasa-blog)- Located under the Blog name. website page 


Recently launched in the first quarter of 2012 and the website features has advanced tremendously. During its initial launch, the developer of the website added only one feature which was the back links monitor for your website or web pages. Its services offer FREE 10 back links to your site to check once signed up, and the links is regularly monitored. You can key in your desired back link URL's in your designated profile page. After you're done, just log out and let the developer send you e-mail of changes to the back links URL you've submitted. Some sort of an alert system which you follow up for the required back links changes almost immediately.

In mid June 2012, monitor have upgraded their services with a new SEO toy dubbed backlink checker. Visitors can visit and use this tool for FREE. If you have registered with monitor, you can also use this feature and add the links which have been checked by backlink checker tool to your designated profile. The website developers made it easier for registered users to use this backlink checker tool without keying any CAPTCHA for your convenient.
Monitor also provide premium services which you could subscribe depending on the added services you require for example numbers of back links you need to monitor. A fair price don't you think to have somebody do the hard work for you?

Monitor back links in a Glance.

It is an easy backlink checker tool that notifies you via email or in your change log if someone or somebody removes your links or suddenly makes them a no follow link instead. Also, it has more features, such as PR checker, automated broken link notification and link expiration, labels, HTTP header web check and much more.

Why should you use it? If you're building links, and I know web experts like you do, getting other web masters or web owners to link to you and getting the same in return is somewhat hard work right? You certainly want your links to be monitored, in case it is removed intentionally or by mistake. In other cases, some people suddenly added a no-follow link instead. So in these cases, Monitor Backlinks will help you to save time and money by giving you information via your e-mail if somebody trying to manipulate the above attempts. If you have saved links in an excel file, notepad, or CSV file types, you can import easily by using the uploaded services the provided.

Monitor backlinks alert to your e-mail inbox. 

FREE versus Premium monitored back links

How many links can you add? Currently you can add up to 10 links for FREE, changeble at any time. Or you can ask them to monitor 100 links for 4.95$/month, 500 links for 9.95$/month, 5000 links for 29.95$/month and 25000 links for 69.95$/month. You will get a special offer discount at 10% if you subscribe for 1 year.

For chrome users, they developers have also developed its apps through Google Apps Store and you can read reviews from its current users at the below links.

Google: backlinks user reviews

Standard services for the above, you will have unlimited URL's of different websites to monitor (delete/change/re-submit/re-check based on your subscription). And additional features, affiliate programs which registered users can subscribe to, can get additional links to monitor as an added feature. You can get detail subscription list at but it is reminded that you have to register and log in with the website to view the list stated.

Creative Some Review for Monitor Backlinks

Well, to tell the truth, as a freelance contractor design administrator, I don't have much time to be in front of my personal computer. So it is a good thing that I have somebody like to safe guard my hard work at the end of the day. Since Google updated their algorithm recently, many web masters and web owners have changed their links to no-follow so that their rank will not be effected. That's something strange. So, it is a good tool for you to recognise these changes people make and strategize your future link ups.

The website user interface is very easy to manoeuvre with readable fonts and type setting and not that much of white spaced like most SEO websites do. A fairly brownish tone on headers and footers and a very prominent logo typesetting.

Limited monitored back links is only the down fall. if you opt for FREE subscription. If you want to monitor more links, just subscribe their Premium features. To me, quite fair and reasonable. But the affiliate program really saves the day for FREE subscription users and you can find out in detail once you sign in to

It is an alternative SEO tool which you don't have to log in an account just to check on your links and back links. And something you should consider, no newsletter stuffing in your e-mail inbox like most SEO web tools do. Hope it will remain like this. 'Touch wood'. It says what it says, and I'll bet you, that the developer will have much more installed under their sleeves.

Here at Creative Something, we do not give ratings but we share real-time personal view and opinions from web users and designers perspectives, which ever relevant.
You can check through monitor backlinks here or other links featured in this articles.

Or you can subscribe FREE account with monitor backlinks here. No personal data required.

Source: | Monitorbacklinks website | | Easy SEO webmaster Tools | Google Chrome Apps

Disclaimer: Creative Something is not related to, paid for, advertisers affiliates, with the mentioned products or services in any articles unless stated. We have or still using the product and services mentioned in the article and we reserve the right to drop the services when we feel appropriate.

View the original article here


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