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Monday 20 May 2013

Info Post
Hello world and welcome to our never ending journey of Search Engine Optimisations-SEO. For all you blog owners and writers who, somehow just came out from the cave, now here this, Where's your articles. Don't tell us that you have finger cramps due to many X-box games. Start now. At least have a decency to promote, no, better yet, prove that Eyriqazz vs Denaihati battle challenge 2012 is not for the Otai's. And we will, eventually, will see the possible fall of a Titan.

Yes. It's look like it's going its way. Will it be the fall of an SEO Titan? Will it be his last opportunity to slap everybody on their tushies? Well for sure he got a big slap from Google a few months before for reasons we're still investigating. And for that, his website now, is as slow as anyone can imagine. It was a nightmare for our dongle, blinking and blinking away, (not to mention, it got stuck and overheated), just to get the website to refresh. To top that of, reading his articles is like you're looking at your grandfather's typewriter paperworks. It was a great thing that Google Chrome had font switchers.

Again, modest and full of disguises (almost all these blog writers seems to be like that), with a slow website like his, he's like making money front, back, left and right. What do you aspect? The website's name says it all. Earncents.Com. Yes. Earning lots of cents only. It is supposed to be named or or better yet EarnSnails.Com. And no wonder why his domain is that slow. Probably too many Paypal/Payza exchanges behind the scene. And no wonder too, why Google kick'ed his website's behind. And no wonder he is called Titan, named after the Greek gods who like to eat "cendol".

We've managed to read some of Titan's articles but sadly, because during our reading time frame, we were on a Malaysian dongle (so slow but yet so far). At least we manage to read through some of his newest articles, especially a three (3) part Eyriqazz vs Denaihati series, for the Google Malaysia Search Engine Battle Challenge 2012 brought to you by Eyriqazz.Com. A slow as Titan's website can be, it was good thing that the fonts came out first, so we had the time to read through what he was actually wanted say.

Speaking about Titan's, we are seeing a mix of fresh new bloggers with the Otai's. And their's even a blog named after the contest, Eyriqazz vs Denaihati who is slowly yet steadily crawling to the front. We are not sure, that the named blog, is one of the organiser's crony, or 'share partners' but we know this, the Otai's confirmed putting up their game faces, as yesterday Wikileaks provided an exclusive image on a plot to shove off the leaders and top spot makers. (view image here) And you can see, there was a few tweak-ings and G Pluses where blogger-prenuette took the No.1, for just a few hours before CikTom took it back near midnight.(and you probably know who was behing yanmieonline) And most of the otai's blogger have also tweakked like it was never before.

Fall of a another SEO Guru?

Like we promise in our previous articles, backbenchers blog writers that is coming up strong for this Eyriqazz vs Denaihati Battle Challenge 2012 are,,,,,,,,, and These blog writers, blog-preneurs are really giving the front runners the run for the money.

There was even articles from blogs such as,,, which one must never look with just one eye. Even Denaihati through is there, smack in the middle, where, modestly speaking, "he was forced to enter an article for this competion." Is it true? Our answer. Nope. And if you're wondering why, we will definitely focused on that in future articles.

So, as you can see. these website blogs, who participated in the Eyriqazz vs Denahati battle challenge 2012 have compiled various platforms and to us, categorise as geniuses in tweak-ing for maximum Search Engine Optimisation-SEO. Although Wordpress platforms is currently at the top (1,2,& 3), but a blogspot hardcore blogger, really showing the true colours from blogspot. His 3rd page article, shot up to the 4th placing in front page. So, Wordpress users out there, Google loves Blogspot. (It's their's anyway).

Last not but least, I'm not sure if A****S***.Com is eligible nor we have any idea on the current standings, it could be great if you guys send some exclusive information through our e-mails for that matter, just for the sake of the Eyriqazz vs Denaihati contest. As we all know by now, (while dusting his best-selling SEO book at our bookshelves), the current participants really want to see wizards and their tired of seeing magicians. Let us see if a Titan is a real Titan, as this SEO challenge is very much different form the previous event held in March until May 2012 organised by himself. You can find out sneak previews from his website and links he provided for the winners and articles submitted for the above event.

What's up next. You, that's what's up. Start kicking a**. Write something. Strategise. Be creative. Get Books. Read articles. There are tonnes of ideas. We want to see your skills. And it is confirmed that the grand prize for Eyriqazz vs Denaihati Battle Challenge 2012 is Ringgit Malaysia 500 and inclusive of a 20,000 traffic juice provided by and many more from co-sponsors. Even CikTom will make the best "cendol" for Titan (Earncents) due to his effort on his previous event. For more information on "cendol", browse through Titan's site. There's a lot of "cendols" described all through his articles.

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